Cina Ungguli AS Sebagai Negara Ekonomi Terbesar di Dunia?


Cina Ungguli AS Sebagai Negara Ekonomi Terbesar di Dunia?

Menurut IMF dan Bank Dunia, berdasarkan purchasing power parity (PPP) Ekonomi Cina sudah mengungguli AS sebagai negara ekonomi nomor 1 di dunia.
Tahun 2014 GDP Cina mencapai $17.6 trilyun (Rp 214.456 Trilyun) atau 16.48% ekonomi Dunia.
Sementara AS $17.4 trilyun.

Cina bisa memproduksi berbagai produk high tech dengan harga yang jauh lebih murah daripada produk AS. Sebagai contoh, pointer laser buatan AS yang dulu harganya sekitar Rp 250.000, setelah dibuat Cina, harganya cuma Rp 5.000 saja.

Akibat rendahnya biaya operasi, banyak perusahaan2 AS seperti Nike, Reebok, HP, dsb memindahkan pabrik mereka ke Cina agar harga produk mereka bisa bersaing.

Sementara AS dalam beberapa dekade terakhir menghamburkan trilyunan dollar AS untuk perang di Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Suriah, dsb. Akibat tindakannya ini dan juga dukungannya terhadap Israel, banyak produk2 AS yang diboikot oleh 1,3 muslim di seluruh dunia. Mereka membeli produk dari Jepang, Korea, Cina, dsb ketimbang dari AS.


According to IMF and World Bank data, China has surpassed the US in terms of GDP based on purchasing power parity (PPP). In 2014 China reached $17.6 trillion or 16.48 percent of the world’s purchasing-power-adjusted GDP, while the US made slightly less, 16.28 percent or $17.4 trillion, the FT reported citing IMF data.
PPP is recognized as the best way to compare the size of economies rather than using volatile exchange rates, which rarely reflect the true cost of goods and services. Thus a trillion US dollars are worth a lot more in China than in the US.
Well, China can produce high tech products with a very cheap price. A laser pointer from US that cost US$ 25, in China only cost US$ 0.5. Many US companies such as Nike, Reebok, HP, etc. move their factory to China because of low operational cost there. They could produce products a lot cheaper in China.
According to the International Comparison Program (ICP), under the authority of the United Nations and hosted by the World Bank, new assessments put China’s economy at 87% of the size of the US in 2011.
That was three years ago. And in 2005, the same organisation put China at only 43%.
But, the latest figures from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2012 put China’s economic output at about half the size of the US.
China’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2012 was $8.2tn (£4.9tn) while the US was $16.2tn.
The difference is that these are nominal GDP figures, so they are based on exchange rates.
If based on PPP, then China has surpassed US as world’s largest economy. But if it based on US$ currency, US is still number one.
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